

Created by Road To Infamy

The king is dead! Deploy your servants to collect treasure in this 20-minute grave robbing game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

DEADLINE for Bundle and Epitaph surveys
almost 6 years ago – Tue, May 22, 2018 at 10:26:40 PM

BackerKit Instructions

For those that haven't yet responded, check your email for your BackerKit survey. Follow the link in your email to add games to your order and enter your shipping information. You can update your shipping information anytime up until October. 


If you pledged to receive a copy of Road To Infamy, complete your shipping information in BackerKit by May 24th so that we can mail out the first shipment of Road To Infamy. If we don't have your shipping information by then, we'll ship it separately in the following weeks.  

If you pledged at the Epitaph or Gilded Epitaph tier, respond to the BackerKit survey with how you want your name to be formatted on the box. The deadline is May 27th. We are submitting the files to the manufacturer on that day, so if we don't have your survey by then, we can't put your name on the box.

That's all for now! Much love,

Jeff & Andrew

6 & 8 Player Rules, New BackerKit Add-On
almost 6 years ago – Thu, May 17, 2018 at 01:23:44 AM

BackerKit Update

Kickstarter notified us today that the "funds are now being transferred. Please allow a few days for your bank to process the transfer." Once we have the funds we will open the BackerKit. You will get an email from BackerKit as soon as it launches. The BackerKit will include a survey to input your shipping information and allow you to add items to your pledge. Thanks for your patience with this.

Clash of the Houses (6 & 8 Player Variant) Rules

It's finally ready! We had a number of playtest events this month and we tried out the latest rule changes for the Clash of the Houses and it was a huge success! We're proud to unveil the 6 & 8-Player Rules. Again, we'd love any feedback from you grammar geeks. Your insights helped us improve the base rulebook.

Clash of the Houses is a team-based variant that requires two copies of Crypt to play.

Crypt Tiles with Variant Rulebook Add-On

We had many requests to make the variant rules available in print and we also loved your ideas for a player mat. We spent a lot of time figuring out a way to make these viable. So, in the last couple weeks we developed one final add-on to Crypt. All components in this add-on will fit in the box. They are not required to play the base game or any of the variants. This add-on will be on BackerKit for $6.

The Crypt Tiles are two reversible chipboard tiles that serve as a visual enhancer and player aid. You can connect the glyph in three different ways to show the setups for the various player counts. Click the image below to see it in action.

Animated GIF of various player setups
Animated GIF of various player setups

The Crypt Tiles show how many cards to lay face-up and face-down for each player count. It also shows which cards are stacked for 6 & 8-Player games. Click the image below to see it in action.

Click to view animated GIF
Click to view animated GIF

The Variant Rulebook is a printed version of all of the game variants for Crypt. This includes "Twins" (2-player cooperative), "Clash of the Houses" (6 & 8-player), and a brand new variant called "Cursed Treasure." These variants will still be available to all backers via PDF whether you choose to add-on the variant rulebook or not. The 1-player rules will be printed in the base rulebook included in all games.

That's all for now. Be on the lookout for the BackerKit link in the coming days!

Jeff & Andrew

Campaign Wrap-Up
almost 6 years ago – Thu, May 03, 2018 at 02:08:12 AM

A million times, thank you!


We've been making games for four years as a passion project and we always dreamed of the day that we could design games for a living. It sounds sappy, but for real, our lives have been forever changed because of your support. This is the start of something big. We're so excited to dive into game design full-time and bring you more tabletop experiences. If you'd like to follow along with our game design journey, join us on Facebook and subscribe to our Mailing List.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves! There's a LOT of work to be done. Here's what's coming up:

BackerKit Coming Soon

In the next few days we'll post an update with a link to the BackerKit pledge manager. There you will be able to select your add-ons, add games to your order, and enter your shipping information. For those that missed the campaign, you'll be able to pre-order during the BackerKit.

If you pledged to receive a copy of Road To Infamy, be on the lookout for the pledge manager link. We're signing and boxing those games up this week, so the sooner we receive your shipping information, the sooner we can send out your game. 

Pre-Production Steps

The illustrations for the player characters are right on schedule. I've made huge progress in illustrating all 8 of the princes and princesses. You can follow along and let me know what you think in the BGG forum.

We're working on proofing, revising, and finalizing the rulebook as we speak. We're looking for proofreaders. If you're interested, read through our rulebook and let us know if anything is confusing or could be phrased better (note that the images are not updated yet!).

We already have the component template files from the manufacturer. I plan on having all of the images laid out and sent to the manufacturer for proofing in the next couple weeks.

That's all for now! Much Love,

Jeff & Andrew

about 6 years ago – Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 02:07:14 AM


We never would've thought it was possible, but you've unlocked every stretch goal! Crypt is now perfect in every possible way with the highest quality components and new game variants that make the it even more replayable. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making this possible. Crypt is more than just a game; it's the start of a bigger journey for us as game designers. This whole campaign has been a life changing experience and we owe that all to you.

New Gilded Epitaph Tier

At 6:00 pm CDT this Friday we will be opening one final reward tier: Gilded Epitaph. Backers at this level will receive a Gilded Edition of Crypt plus their name on the inside wall of every copy of Crypt (both standard and Gilded Edition). All names from both the Gilded Epitaph and original Epitaph tier will now be printed in metallic gold ink. This reward tier will be $75 and limited to just 40 backers. Here's a sneak peek at the new interior box design where the names will go:

*Photoshop mockup. Not actual box. Final design may vary.
*Photoshop mockup. Not actual box. Final design may vary.

Crypt Soundtrack Unlocked

The soundtrack will be produced by a great friend of ours, Rob Huber, who is a talented musician, audio engineer, and game designer for Rattlebox Games (creator of Cromlech). He excitedly dove right into this project and has already shared a sample with us, and I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH HOW EXCITED I AM FOR THIS. 

I'm the type of gamer that likes to be immersed in a game's environment: I put on sea shanties when I play pirate-themed games, dim the lights for horror-themed games. I can't wait to play Crypt to this spooky ambient soundtrack that makes you feel like you're really tiptoeing through the ancient catacombs.

2-Player Co-Op Variant Unlocked

We've had so much fun testing this cooperative version of Crypt. It's coming along really well and we're proud to share with you the very first draft of the rules for the team-based variant we're now calling "Twins" to complement the “Only Child” variant (we’re now thinking of calling the 6 & 8-player team variant “Clash of the Houses”). 

We’re still making a few small tweaks to the rules as we continue to refine the gameplay, but this should give you a solid idea of how it will work. We’re looking for feedback on the rules, so let us know in the comments how we can make it read better.

Much Love,

Jeff & Andrew

Crypt on Tabletopia
about 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 11:46:25 PM

Play Crypt Online for Free

We know some of you have been dying to give Crypt a test run, but don't have Tabletop Simulator or a printer for the PnP. Well we've got some good news for you! Crypt is now playable for free on Tabletopia so you can play right in your web browser.

Crypt on Tabletopia
Crypt on Tabletopia

Social Goal Progress

You guys certainly haven't hesitated to jump on these social goals. We're only 232 Facebook Page Likes away from unlocking the 2-Player Co-Op Variant and need just 196 more YouTube subscribers to get an eerie Crypt soundtrack to set the mood of the game.

Tapestries from the Apothecary

As you search through the King's belongings you come across a set of beautiful tapestries. A collector tells you these beautiful works of art were handmade by none other than the Lady of the Apothecary, confirming your suspicions of your father's secret relationship.

I'd just like to give a shoutout to my super talented cousin, Alex Chin, founder of Seasons Playing Cards and designer of the Apothecary intimate handcrafted playing cards. If you haven't seen Alex's decks, they are way more than just cards; they're tangible, interactive works of art. He was kind enough to let us use some of his designs on the tapestry Treasure cards in Crypt. Alex's expertise with texture and elegant patterns have definitely elevated the regal style of the king's treasures.

For the treasure collectors out there, the BackerKit pre-order for his latest deck, Apothecary, ends this Saturday.

Apothecary by Seasons Playing Cards
Apothecary by Seasons Playing Cards

That's all for now! Much love,

Jeff & Andrew